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The American Alien

Written and Directed by Rodrigo Rodriguez, The American Alien is the absurd journey of a Grey Alien who gets caught at the US - Mexican border.
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You Are Me, I Am You

The story of Carmen Cumba, an Ecuadorian medicine woman, who's knowledge of the healing power of various herbs and plants is currently being researched by various modern western medical institutions. Directed by Melissa Kirkendal and Co-Produced by Rio Films.
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The Becket Fund

Becket is a non-profit, public-interest legal and educational institute with a mission to protect the free expression of all faiths. A traditional American Indian dancing a ceremonial ritual with colorful and an ornate wardrobe is surrounded in a desolate landscape. The beauty of natural light strikes the image encompassing the magic that has been symbolic throughout the American Indian culture. Sacred feathers were taken away from them by a government agency impeding their religious liberties by imposed laws and regulations.
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